日期 | 活动类型 | 活动名称与详情 |
2024.05.02 (四) |
公众讲座 |
[SKL Brain & Cognitive Sciences Public Lecture Series] 讲者:剑桥大学特雷弗罗宾斯教授 日期:2024年5 月2日 详情及报名:请按此 |
2024.04.22 (一) |
公众讲座 | [SKL Brain & Cognitive Sciences Public Lecture Series] 时间:上午11:00 –下午12:30 详情及重温:请按此 |
2024.03.05 (二) |
公众讲座 | [SKL Brain & Cognitive Sciences Public Lecture Series] 日期:2024年3月5日 详情:请按此 |
2024.03.05 (二) |
公众讲座 | [SKL Brain & Cognitive Sciences Public Lecture Series] Population Neuroscience of the Growing Brain 讲者:Tomas Paus 教授, 蒙特利尔大学精神病学和神经科学系教授;圣朱斯丁医院大学中心科学家 日期:2024年3月5日 时间:上午11:00 –下午12:30 地点:香港大学百周年校园赛马会教学楼11楼社会科学学院会议厅或以Zoom 网上形式进行 详情:请按此 |
日期 | 活动类型 | 活动名称与详情 |
2023.11.20 (一) | 公众讲座 | [SKL Brain & Cognitive Sciences Public Lecture Series] 讲者:涂毅恒教授, 中国科学院心理研究所 日期:2023年11月20日 |
2023.10.19(四) – 2023.10.20(五) | 国际研讨会 | International Symposium on Human Neuroscience and Neuropsychology: The Galaxy of Brain Sciences 日期及时间: 详情及重温(稍后发布) : 是次国际研讨会由社会科学学院、心理学系及脑与认知科学国家重点实验室共同主办。我们诚邀了多位来自美国、英国、新加坡、上海、大湾区等地区的知名学者前来演讲,并参与有关人类系统和行为神经科学研究最新突破的讨论。 |
2023.10.06 (五) | 公众讲座 |
Alzheimer’s Disease: The Contribution of Biological Factors and the Need to Account for Differences Between Eastern and Western Populations 讲者:Xiaochen Hu博士,德国科隆大学医学院精神病学和心理治疗系研究员 日期:2023年10月6日 |
2023.06.02 (五) | 公众讲座 |
From Data to Modelling: Exploration at the Whole Brain Scale with Possible Clinical Applications 日期:2023年6月2日 |
2023.05.31 (三) | 公众讲座 | [SKL Brain & Cognitive Sciences Public Lecture Series] What we remember from an episode: Memory as reactivation, transformation, and selection 讲者:Nikolai Axmacher 教授,德国波鸿鲁尔大学神经心理系教授、认知神经科学与学习国家重点实骇室及北京师范大学IDG/麦戈文脑科学研究院联合主任 日期:2023年5月31日 时间:上午11:30-下午1:00 地点:香港大学百周年校园赛马会大楼11楼社会科学学院会议厅 或以Zoom 网上形式进行 详情及重温:请按此 |
2023.04.15 (六) | 公众讲座 | 情绪与专注力 日期:2023年4月15日 |
2023.04.02 (日) | 公众讲座 | 齐来认识脑中风 讲者:刘巨基教授,香港大学脑与认知科学国家重点实验室学术带头人 日期:2023年4月2日 详情及重温:请按此 |
日期 | 活动类型 | 活动名称与详情 |
2022.11.30(三) | 研讨会 |
实验室学术带头人内部研讨会 时间:下午2:00 – 6:00 |
日期 | 活动类型 | 活动名称与详情 |
2021.11.20(六) – 2021.11.21(日) | 研讨会 |
NSFC-RGC青年学者论坛:决策与社会行为的神经机制 时间:8:30 – 5:15 (11月20日); 9:00 – 5:10 (11月21日) |
2021.04.10(六) | 公众讲座 |
大脑的神经可塑性 讲者:李湄珍教授(香港大学讲座教授,神经生理学梅雅基金教授) 时间:上午11:00 – 12:00 |
2021.04.08(四) | 公众讲座 |
通往「世界最长寿」的旅程 讲者:倪宇轩教授(香港大学李嘉诚医学院公卫学院临床副教授) 时间:下午1:30 – 2:30 |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2019.11.28 | Seminar | Temporal Binding of Cause and Effect Speaker: Professor Marc J Bühner, School of Psychology, Cardiff University |
2019.11.22 | Seminar | Computational Modeling of Epiphany Learning Speaker: Dr. James Wei Chen, Assistant Research Fellow, Behavioral and Data Science Research Center, National Taiwan University |
2019.10.24 | Seminar | Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Implicit Biases – Fear Generalization of Conditioned Facial Features in Absence of Contingency Awareness Speaker: Professor Markus Junghöfer, Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignalanalysis, University of Münster |
2019.07.19 | Seminar | ENIGMA Goes Functional: Worldwide Meta-Analysis of Task-Based fMRI Data Speaker: Dr. Ilya Veer, Psychologist, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Division of Mind and Brain |
2019.03.29 | Seminar | Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Responses to Biological Motion: Fusing Temporal (MEG) and Spatial (fMRI) Imaging Speaker: Dr. Dorita H. F. Chang, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, The University of Hong Kong |
2019.03.28 | Seminar | Perception of Visual Space Speaker: Professor Sir Colin Blakemore, Yeung Kin Man Chair Professor of Neuroscience, City University of Hong Kong; Emeritus Professor of Neuroscience, University of Oxford |
2019.03.15 | Seminar | Enhancing Causal Perception: The Search For ‘Empty Time’ Effects With the Rapid Streaming Procedure Speaker: Dr. Robin A. Murphy, Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, HKU |
2019.03.11 | Seminar | The Critical Period: A Tale of Two Systems Speaker: Professor Margaret Wong-Riley, Professor Emeritus, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2019.03.07 – 2019.03.08 | Symposium | International Symposium on Neuropsychology and Brain Sciences: Exploring our Psychosocial Brain Time: 9:30AM – 4:30PM (March 7); 9:30AM – 12:30PM (March 8) |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2018.09.13 | Seminar | Mapping Dynamics of Emotional Brain States and Memory Consolidation Speaker: Professor Qin Shaozheng, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning & IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Faculty of Psychology at Nomal Beijing University, China |
2018.09.03 | Seminar | Genes, Cannabis Use, and Schizophrenia: Is It All About Risk-Taking? Speaker: Dr. Marta Di Forti, Department of Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Institute of Psychiatry Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK |
2018.08.16 | Seminar | Demystifying the Editorial Process – Behind the Curtain of Nature Family Journals Speaker: Dr. Michelle Trenkmann, Associate Editor of Nature Communications |
2018.07.17 | Seminar | Autism Across Ages: What Are the Earliest Signs, and Can We Shift Biology? Speaker: Dr Gráinne McAlonan, Sackler Centre for Translational Neurodevelopment and |
2018.03.28 | Seminar | An Atlas of Genetic Associations in UK Biobank Speaker: Professor Albert Tenesa, Roselin Institute, University of Edinburgh |
2018.03.09 | Seminar | Genomic Approaches to Understanding Brain Disorders Speaker: Professor Margit Burmister, University of Michigan |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2017.05.23 | Seminar | Molecular Imaging for Dementia Speaker: Professor Yen Tzu-Chen, School of Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2016.12.05 | Seminar | fMRI: Data Analysis Strategies and Future Directions Speaker: Professor Jack Lancaster, Professor and Chief, Biomedical Image Analysis Division (BIAD), Research Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health Sciences Centre, San Antonio Large-scale Synthesis of fMRI Data For Network Modeling and Network-based Interpretation Speaker: Professor Peter Fox, Founding Director, Research Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio |
2016.10.12 | Seminar | The Impact of Advances in MRI Acquisition on Brain Imaging Research Speaker: Professor Kelvin Lim, University of Minnesota Medical School |
2016.05.18 | Symposium | Neuroscience Symposium 2016 — Nature and Nurture in Brain Functions Time: 8:00AM – 6:15PM |
2016.05.16 | Symposium | Advanced MRI Meeting on Neuroradiology and Neuroscience Time: 10:00AM – 12:25PM |
2016.04.18 | Symposium | International Symposium on the Science of Brain Functions Time: 9:00AM – 5:45PM |
2016.01.14 | Seminar | Neuropsychological Assessment Using The Oxford Cognitive Screening Tool Speaker: Professor Glyn Humphreys, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2015.11.30 – 2015.12.01 | Workshop | Special Workshop – Meta-analysis in Human Neuroimaging: Methods & Applications Time: 9:00AM – 4:00PM Venue: The University of Hong Kong |
2015.11.23 | Seminar | Is Pharmacogenetic Testing Ready for the Psychiatry Clinic? Speaker: Dr. James L Kennedy |
2015.06.24 | Seminar | The Integrative Self Speaker: Professor Glyn Humphreys, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford |
2015.05.20 | Seminar | Extracting Insights From Large-scale Genetic Data Speaker: Dr. Benjamin Neale, Instructor, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Assistant Professor in Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital |
2015.04.16 | Seminar | Brain Imaging and Development in Infants at Risk of Autism and Related Neurodevelopmental Conditions Speaker: Inês Pote, PhD student at Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London |
2015.03.20 | Seminar | Psychiatric Disorders Share Common Neuroanatomical & Neurobiological Phenotypes, Across Diagnostic Categories: Structural Covariance Analyses Speaker: Professor Peter T Fox, Professor, Radiology, Neurology, Psychiatry, and Physiology, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio |
2015.01.05 | Seminar | An Investigation of the Role of Amyloid Precursor Protein Processing in Neuronal Apoptosis Speaker: Dr. Bernard Law, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2014.06.17 | Seminar | New Perspectives in Analyzing fMRI Data Speaker: Professor Yijun Liu, Faculty of Psychology at Southwest University, China |
2014.02.26 | Seminar | Learning to Read: Individual Differences and Cultural Constraints Speaker: Professor Gui Xue, State Key Laboratory of Learning and Cognitive Neuroscience, Beijing Normal University, China |
2014.02.11 | Seminar | Multiple Occurrences of the Chinese Reflexive Ziji in a Single Sentence: A Dynamic Syntax Account Speaker: Professor Wu Yicheng, Zhejiang University, China |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2013.12.18 | Seminar |
Understanding Antioxidant Response Properties of the Retinal Neurocircuitry in Different Animal Models of Retinal Degeneration Speaker: Professor PU Mingliang, Department of Anatomy/Embryology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University, China Time: 4:00 p.m. |
2013.12.04 | Seminar |
Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, U. S. A. |
2013.11.12 | Seminar |
Synaptic Inputs to Retinal Ganglion Cells in Normal and Experimental Glaucoma Mice |
2013.10.14 | Symposium |
International Symposium on Language, Brain, and Gene Time: 9:00AM – 12:30PM |
2013.10.07 | Seminar |
Direct Retino-Raphe Projection Alters Serotonergic Tone And Affective Behavior |
2013.10.03 | Seminar |
Neuroprotective Speaker: Xiao-Ming Xu, Ph.D. Mary Hulman George Professor of Neurological Surgery, Scientific Director, Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Group, Stark Neurosciences Research Institute Indiana University School of Medicine |
2013.06.17 – 2013.06.18 | Workshop |
Workshop on Translational Medicine – Genomic, Imaging and Behaviour Approaches Time: 9:00AM – 6:00PM (June 17); 9:00AM – 5:45PM (June 18) |
2013.06.17 | Seminar |
Dapk1 Converges the Necrotic and Apoptotic Pathways in Stroke Damages Speaker: Professor Youming Lu, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China |
2013.05.27 | Seminar |
Glial Cells and Psychiatric Speaker: Professor Ian Everall, University of Melbourne |
2013.04.18 | Seminar |
Restoring Agency to its Proper Place in Linguistics – Going Beyond Structural and Generative Paradigms Speaker: Professor Yueguo Gu, Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences |
2013.04.05 | Seminar |
Mechanisms for Generalized Brain Arousal, Sexual Arousal, and Their Links Speaker: Professor Donald W. Pfaff, Head of Laboratory of Neurobiology and Behavior, The Rockefeller University, New York, U.S.A. |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2012.12.10 | Seminar | Circadian Regulation of Corticosterone: What You Think You Know is Probably Wrong Speaker: Prof Gary Pickard, Visiting Research Professor, Dept of Anatomy, HKU, Dept. Ophthalmology & Visual Sci., UNMC, Omaha |
2012.12.06 | Seminar | Real-Time and Multiple Speaker: Yaoying Zeng, MD, Professor The Institute for Tissue Transplantation & Immunology Jinan University, Guangzhou |
2012.11.28 | Seminar | Zhuangyuan (Premier Scholars) in Ancient China Speaker: Tiexin Zhao, Vice Chairman, Central Branch of Chinese Calligraphy Association |
2012.11.09 | Seminar | Transgenic Pig Models for Speaker: Professor Lai Liangxue, Key Laboratory of Regenerative Biology Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health Chinese Academy of Sciences |
2012.10.30 | Seminar | Neurodevelopmental Disorders In Translation (Back translation from clinical studies of autism and schizophrenia to the laboratory mouse) Speaker: Grainne M. McAlonan, Clinical Senior Lecturer Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Science Institute of Psychiatry King’s College London Head of Research and Development Behavioral and Developmental Disorders Clinical Academic Group |
2012.10.26 | Seminar | Colour Pathways in the Primate Retina Speaker: Professor Ulrike Grünert, Department of Ophthalmology and Save Sight Institute The University of Sydney, Australia |
2012.09.07 | Seminar | Neurochemical Organization (and Disorganization) of the First Visual Synapse Speaker: Professor Noga Vardi, Department of Neuroscience, School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, U. S. A. |
2012.07.03 | Seminar | Neural Mechanisms Underlying Aesthetics Speaker: Professor Lei Mo, South China Normal University, Guangzhou |
2012.06.27 | Seminar | Dynamical Self-Organization and Lexical Learning in Children And Bilinguals: Computational and Neural Speaker: Prof. Ping Li, Department of Psychology and Center for Brain, Behavior, and Cognition, Pennsylvania State University |
2012.06.20 | Seminar | AAV Mediated BDNF Expression Rescues Visual Functions in Two Rodent Models of Glaucoma Speaker: Shigang He, Ph.D. Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering Institute of Natural Sciences Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2011.07.10 | Symposium | International Symposium on Brain Imaging: New Frontiers on Data Analysis Venue: South China Normal University, Guangzhou China |
2011.04.08 – 2011.04.09 | Conference | Xiangshan Science Conference on Brain and Cognitive Sciences Venue: The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2010.06.30 | Symposium | International Symposia on Culture, Language and Brain Venue: Xi’an, China |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2009.11.05 | Symposium | International Symposia on Culture, Language and Brain |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2007.12.17 | Symposium | International Symposia on Cognitive Neuroscience Venue: Kunming, China |
Date | Event Type | Event Name & Details |
2005.08.09 | Symposium | International Symposia on Cognitive Neuroscience Venue: Hong Kong |